Thursday, October 1, 2015

Community Outreach

The old adage "No man is an island" holds very true for the Silambam Phoenix family. We are constantly trying to work with, and help other members of our community. Our current production, Sanmarga -- the continuum of a glorious tradition aims at raising funds for several local and international charities. In an attempt to publicize the event, senior Silambam Phoenix students presented a lecture demonstration, "Bharata Natyam: Linking Old Roots with Modern Culture" on September 26, 2015 at the Peoria Public Library.

Senior dancer, Vaibhavi Mohan led her peers in this well structured informative lecture demonstration. The dancers defined and illustrated basic dance movements and postures (called adavus), typical hand gestures (called hastams) and the nine primary emotions (called navarasas) to an attentive audience comprising of young library enthusiasts and their parents. The dancers also presented a short pure dance introductory item known as the alarippu (the blossoming flower).
Here are some snapshots from the event!

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